Advancements in information and communication technologies allow easy access, collection, usage and disclosure of personal data. This may cause damage to an owner of personal data.
The Company has realized and to ensure that the personal data of employee, customer, suppliers and business stakeholder have a proper and secure storage rely on the data owner purpose and also to comply the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) (PDPA) was published in the Royal Gazette on May 27, B.E. 2562 (2019) with. The Company hereby declares the Personal Data Protection Policy as follows :
The “Company” respects employee, customers, suppliers and stakeholder to any personal data we collected.
The “company” will collect personal data if it is necessary for company to conduct the everyday
Activities or functions and will directly contact to the data subjects.
The “company” will inform the data owner about the collected, use of data, comprehensible and
informed consent of the Data Subjects is required before its implementation.
The “company” will appointed the data processor and data controller to ensure that the personal
data have a proper and secure storage and use it as collected and used for specific objectives or purposes,
and keep it confidentiality or not create any damage to data subjects.
The specific data collection such medical treatment data, racial origin if necessary the informed
consent of the Data Subjects is required before its implementation.
Data Subjects have the right to access Personal Data about them
The “company” will collected the foreigner personal data same as Thai people
In case of company need to disclose personal data to external party both domestically and
internationally company shall govern the above-mentioned persons to treat the personal data as confidential
and strictly comply with the law.
Company will put in place reasonable security arrangements to ensure that the personal data is
adequately protected and secured. In particular, reasonable security arrangements will be taken to prevent any unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, damage without the authorize from the data controller.
Any person who violated the rule & regulation will obtain the highest disciplinary action and prosecute to the end including he/she have to responsible for any damage that happen in full amount by law.
Company encourage all relevant employee please strictly perform to comply with this policy and/or relevant rules and regulations to be effectively achieve our goal.
Announced on June 1st, 2022.